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Welcome to mangoespudding.blogspot
My PrincessY
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

TARAAAAA i'm backkkk!!! ;D ahahhaha it's ben a while yeaappp? i've to do something lately and kinda busy too...but now i'll tell you something interestingggg!! ;D it's about a new korean drama...called My Princess, very common tittle...and looks very plain...but i get interest with the cast : Kim Tae Hee, Song Seung Hun, Ryu Soo Young, Park Ye Jin. Wow! Song Seung Hun! i've never seen him act since endless love! LOL so i decided to watch it and this drama is GOOD i tell you! it's funny, cute and romantic...
And the most interesting is Park Ye Jin bacause she as Oh Yoon Joo have to be an independent, cool woman who have a big ambition and will do anything to get it. and it's so different with her real life, because what i see in Family Outing, Ye Jin is a good and graceful mannered woman. she's look so gorgeous with that extremely short hair, make her more cruel and fierce.
The Story is begin with Kim Tae Hee as Lee Seol, a university girl, she's ordinary girl with ordinary life, she's energetic, cheerful and have crush with her young professor Nam Jung Woo (Ryu So Young, he's really charming in this drama!!!) but her life is totally ruin when she knows that she is the Lost Princess for the new Imperial family that will be re-built by the government. Park Hae Young (Song seung hun, he's too good to be 34-35th man!!! he's still gorgeous) is the grandson from DaeHan Group, the most famous and wealthy conglomerate in Korea. he's life is seems so perfect with a beautiful girl who always make his life even more perfect that's Oh yoon Joo, head of manager in Hae Young Museum who belongs to Dae Han group.

His grandfather always obsessed with the imperial family and feels have a big responsible to the imperial family, so his grandfather ask Hae Young to search and find the Lost Princess and then yeah, he's meet the weird cute girl, Lee Seol...and knows that she's the lost princess...he don't know what to do, because after he gets Lee Seol and make her as a princess, his grandfather will giving all his wealthy to the Princess for his
sacrifice to what he had done at the past. Hae Young feels so depress because it's mean he won't get any inherit at all and he won't be able to marry Yoon Joo as his dream. and things will be get more complicated because Nam Jung Woo is Yoon Joo's ex...;Dthe rest of the story...you have to watch it self....wkwkkwkwkw...because it's so funny and cute how Hae Young treats Lee Seol and arguing with her...Lee Seol is an innocent girl, it's doesn't matter is she never be a princess, she just love her life now, but her father is one and only her reason to take the deal with princess things when she's crowned as a princess there will be lot of anti fans of her! form the society and government

it's really a good drama because of the experienced cast and the cute story. some people compare this drama with Princess Hour, it have a similar story indeed, but after you watch it it's completely different! hahahahha...you have to watch it guys! beautiful tae hee with gorgeous Seung Hun what can get any better than this?


sweet ^o^ 10:28 PM

GD-TOP High HighY
Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

OMFGH!!!!! *random* this MV is seriously HOT!!!!!! 2 rapper boys of Big Bang sing a dayem great song and rockin' the club with bunch of girls!!!!!! and the song is really awesome! REALLY REALLY AWESOME! i enjoy the song and for the boys...they did a stunning good job! GD!!! again, for the thousand times, he changes his hairstyle...and it's kinda good...but for TOP...OH MY GOD!!! MY LORD! he's way too handsome!!! HANDSOME! i repeat again HAND-SOME! XD! i like his new hairstyle! blonde...and tall! LOL! but really, TOP is so charming and sexy! he make me want to jump into him right now! aaaaa!!!

YOU GUYS SHOULD LISTEN THIS SONG!!!! it's catchy and noisy! so great for dancing in the club! XD...and you HAVE TO look at TOP! the guy with blonde-tall hair! XD stunning!

sweet ^o^ 11:50 PM

Night LifeY
Senin, 13 Desember 2010

That was Halloween event in Equinox club Jakarta, i was there anyway, wkwkkwkw...can you find me? LOL...nah...i'm not talking about that photos, that just image for represent my posting today. Night Life...yeah, i'm not a naif person, i like the night life like clubin', dancing, and party all night long with my friends! i like drink, but i never going high like crazy person, as much as possible i controlled my self for being not so drunk, it's so embarrassing when everyone looking at you when you're drunk and sleep in the floor or doin something crazy that you'll never be remember...

but yeah, you cannot deny it, dance wasn't good without alcohol right? we can do anything if we get more high...i don't know with other women, but if i drink, i feels like more brave, more sexy, and more bitchy...seriously...it's true...but, warning!!! i'm not that kind of girl, i mean who always dancing with stranger guy and doin night stand...no! big no! i'm not that type of girl! but i don't know i feels like no control, but i've always said in my mind to not move so far or dance to high...this is important for a girl, don't dance to far from u'r friends, plus if you had a "not bad" looking, there is a bunch of aligator who ready to eat you up.

if there is an interesting guys there who want to knows your name, it's oke, you can acquainted, but say NEVER if he's ask you to move or out from there...you're a girl, you should have more dignity...! and you don't know if he is good or bad, who know once you're outside, you'll be 'eaten' by him? *anyway 'eaten' is sure a bad word to say, but it's true* LOL...

and...don't expect to much from a guy that you knows in the club, because from my experience, that won't be long lasting...if you ask why...well i don't know, ask the guys! maybe...they're bored? or maybe they think you're not as naughty as they thought? i don't knowwww! but i can guarantee, you cannot find any serious guy in the place like this...

girls is easy to warm up, and easy to fall in others if they're drunk, so be careful girls, be with your trusted friends...don't go far away from them, and shout, dance like you never do before...then enjoy your party! ;D

sweet ^o^ 12:29 AM

My stuffs~Y
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

so yeah...i've been disappear for maybe...2 weeks? or...1 month? err...i don't even remember...LOL but yeah, you see what i've been working lately...my mock up stuff and my design planning for the exam...so in the 5th smester...i've to make an office design, so i decided to make a Tourism office.

Well...the assignment is on the teacher desk this day, so i've pass the elemination! YAY!!! you know about the elimination stuff right? okay i explain it again, in my class, i've must done all this assignment 1 week before the exam, so we can display our assignment and can do the presentation on the next week...it's all called elimination, because if you can't done your assignment 1 week before exam...so...you can't do the presentation or do the exam for next week it's mean you've been eliminated, see you! goodbye! or i can say...FAILED!

but yeahhh the elimination is overrrr!!! i can breath more free now...because what i've to do for the next week is just presentation....presentation about my design of course...it's not easy...we have to confident will all our words...we have to make people believe that our design is the best and good enough for image of the office, yeah something like that...

my bed is a mess thing yesterday...i cannot move in everywhere! seriously...my room is like became 1 of disaster victim...LOL, it's was like tsunami have been through my room...but yeah, that's how we works...we always...mess...always...untidy...! i don't even know where i suppose to be sleep...my bed is so full with drawings, layout and section....ahahahha...but the great part is...when the things all done...we feel moreeee joy and relieve like no other people can feels...i didn't overrated...it's true...! XD

I CANNNNN FREEE NOWWW!!!! YIHAAAAAA!!! let's party al the timee!!

sweet ^o^ 2:49 AM

For girlsY
Kamis, 18 November 2010

You read my older post...about jerky boys, well girls, not every boys like that, but, yeah almost, almost all boys are jerk...remember that is his instinct to be a jerk, they prefer use their logic and brain than their heart, they're not sensitive, they're like to make you girls falling to him and then start to searching him when he's disappear...girls you have your own dignity, if me...i never call or text the boys first, because it's boys things, i don't want to be an aggressive girl, but if you're really curious, you can text him first, but don't do it suddenly, you must have a great reason to do that...i mean don't say something like, "hi, how are you?" or, "hi, where have you been lately?" it would be make a boys feels that you're really need him, don't make him feel that way, it's dangerous...i don't know how the way, but you girls are smart, you have your own way to say something...

but, if the relation is not going well like he's not calling you anymore and disappear like 1 week or even 1 month, breaks a date, coming late...then, don't expect, don't waiting, go forward, don't look back at him, because he's not really care about you, trust me, if he's really care about you, he would do something nice to you, not just in their sweet words, but in every way that he threats you...

i know u'll be disappointed bacause he's already say something caring and nice, then you know that he's just playing with your heart, be angry....be cry, do anything that make you feels better! then after that hells, you'll feel moree relieve...trust me, it works...hahhahaa...then don't forget to sharing with your BFF...screw him together with your BFF...after that, you'll won't think about him again...!

life is not just about him, you'll have more experience in your life, broken heart...i hate this situation, i admit...it's sucks...but i try to be wise, that this is for my lesson, i'll be more patient, more mature and more cool...and anyway, nothing to lose isn't it? so...don't worry, go forward, you'll have and found someone who really love you...just trust it...;D

i give you my quotes....LIFE is not easy to understand...everyone come and go...they give u pain and happiness...whatever you get in LIFE...LIFE is all about the struggle!

sweet ^o^ 10:26 PM

Boys are.....Y
Rabu, 17 November 2010

Fill the blank, i'd rather say, stupid, idiot, jerk, damn, sick, sucks, coward, shitty and many more screwed things that would be fill the blank with my words....BOYS ARE PIG! idiot and stupid like a PIG...oke, not all of them...but ALMOST ALL! seriously...what's wrong with the guy in the world now? i don't know what's in their brain...they seems enjoy to chasing a girl and when the girls is falling on him, he will disappear like a ghost and never say anything again...what the heck? guys like this is FU*KIN despicable...

They didn't now the girl is really worried and don't know what to do when the guys suddenly stopped calling her and say hi again and ...man, do you even know that girl is so sensitive? when u text the girl every night and say something nice, something caring...girl will be so happy and falling for you, but what the hell are you done to her? just filling your emptyness in the night and when u have the other girl who more than her you just dumped her and disappear like nothing happen...read my word...you're shit...you're really shit...even shit is better than your name...serioulsy...you're so mean...so....oh gosh i don't even now what word that can represent your asstitute...! guys like this should go away from the earth...

i need to chill...i know...i'm overrated...but please...guys...be nice to a girl...if you don't like her...don't play with their heart...if you don't like her, don't even text or calling her, and NEVER say a nice things...don't give a girl some hope...because when you doing something like this...she will expecting lots from you....and when u can't give anything to her and just disappear like a coward...she will be so disappointed and angry...

it's good to be nice and decent to a girl...but you know the line.....which is decent and which is...chasing...if you just want to be nice to a girl, it's good to be a gentleman, well mannered....but don't even say anything that make a girl feels so special...because once again, remember...IF YOU DON'T LIKE HER...DON'T CHASING HER, DON'T MAKE HER THOUGHT THAT SHE'S THE ONE FOR YOU....

i know...it's difficult to you guys, but you should do this...girl is so sensitive, they use a heart...in everything! not like you, use a logic and brain...when something related with a heart...it's dangerous and sensitive...so...please...be nice...be gentleman, be a good guy...because girls are so tired...yeah...i'm tired too...

sweet ^o^ 11:21 PM

Campus life in semester 5 --> MISERABLE!Y
Senin, 08 November 2010

ok...i'm now on the TOP of boredom! seriously...i don't know what's going on with this semester and with me...i do enjoy my assignment, but now i'm feel like doing a routine over and over again so i'm so bored...with al this campus stuff, assignment and the lecturer...my teacher is so dicipline like i said before...she always using a target to make our assignment done in the right time at the Campus! (we cannot bring our assignment out from our class) but she's using a ridiculous system, with that target system, we just like a robot, don't have any freedom and have to do what she said...and i'm feel like i didn't give my best effort because i always chasing a time for that shitty target, in the end, i can't fill my target so with the innocent face, that teacher give an ZERO point for my progress result...what a life...! i don't even care about that 0 point, i just move with my way, i can't go chasing the time like crazy, i know time is precious, but please, we have a limit...and we can't do that targets thing in just 7-8 hour! we need more time! we have to bring that assignment to home! we can't do that ALL assignment just by sitting in the class in front of messy table! we need more relax, something or somewhere that can make us feel comfort...and hell yeah it's home!!! i can accept what the teacher say about the copycat, plagiator or make a quality time in campus...but please! give us some break...we need breath...you make this class like a hell...i hate meet Tuesday and Wednesday....!

i'm sick of it!

sweet ^o^ 11:51 PM