365 Wan Hang Ruk is now on YT~Y
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

OMG!!!! OMG~!! i wanna scream till my throat's broken!!!
365 Wan Hang Ruk is now aired!!! and
Anonymousblue2001 upload it with eng sub, and so
LadyEdnaMode...her video is soooo HQ but there is no eng sub in it, because she waiting for the rough sub somewhere, so she just uploaded without eng sub, but i also seen her 365 because her video is so HQ, and for
Anonymousblue, the video is not quite HQ, but her eng sub is seriously help us to watch this serial...! if you wanna suggest, i suggest you to watch both, because nothing to lose isn't? though you'll really happy! TRUST ME!! bcoz so many loveeeeee in this film...
DARN IT!!! TOO MUCH LOVE I'M GONNA BLUSHING AND DIE IN HAPPINESS!!! seriously even i didn't play in this film but
OMG!!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! *i'm not overatted* it's really
OH MY GOSH! ok i'll repeat because too many OMG in it, even i didn't play in this film, but i can blushing and smiling like a crazy person in front of my laptop...because yeah, like i said before,
TOO MUCH LOVE! Ken-Ann is such a great great great actor and actress...they can role as newlywed in the middle of very much love...sooooo smooth and sooo REAL!!! i don't know why they can be so great like that...their chemistry is unbeatable!
In this film, i already seen 2 episode and maybe
Ken-Ann (in this lakorn they roled as
Toon-Lan) just about married 2 days...but soooo sooo soo many kisses, smooches, hugs, ARGH!!! you named it! they are really like a REAL newlywed!!!!!!
And if i'm in the
P'Noi position...i don't know what to say, i'm just gonna kill
Ann...seriously, i can stand it, how can P'Noi stand it?!
Ken-Ann is so adorable together, so many people want them together as REAL COUPLE, even it's mean Ken have to divorce
P'Noi first, it's doesn't matter if he's end up with
Ann, because they're too good to be true! HAHHAHAHAHHA! i just don't know how
P'Noi can stand it, looking Ken playing a role as husband for the other...LOL, though it's
Ann...but...seriously...hellow?! can you really stand it?! with all that script who require
Ken to do something way too HOT and something like husband-wifey stuff to other woman?! if i were
P'Noi...i seriously CAN'T STAND IT! do you know what? because
Ken-Ann is too much love, too adorable together...!!! they should be a real couple!
Ok...back to the lakorn...so far i really love this lakorn, like i said before,
Ken-Ann is so great, they can really make us smile, cry and confuse as the same time, they have a great skill to act, so we can really feel what they feel...
365, they have a perfect life, with a success business and happy new family, but they're too good together, so, lots of women want to break them apart because they're envy with
Lan and
Toon Life's which is so perfect and so in love. and yeah,
Toon ex messing up (named
Racha)...she wanted
Toon comeback to her, because her life is not as happy as
Lan's life who has everything plus a great husband!...then...there is one woman who likes
Toon a lot because he has such a great charisma *i knew it i'll be fell in him too even i know he's already married, IDC!* but this girl is kinda annoying, because she's always want to close with
Toon, and so with the
Racha, Racha is more like cruel Nang Rai and the other girl who i didn't know her name LOL, she's more like innocent girl who just adoring
Toon, but who knows that she's more troublemaker than
soooo FARR~~~ I LOVE THIS LAKORN...and i'll keep watching it...i always waiting for the sub and waiting for the upload...!!!
3:41 AM
About the Elimination and Nickelodeon vs Disney channelY
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
Well...that's no relation between Elimination and Nick vs Disney anyway...hahahhaha...the elemination is part of my exam...so i'll tell you guys about my elimination...well...it's good...i don't get the elimination...i've done all my assignment, even i have a check list and always checking what i've done...surely my class is passed from the shitty elimination because like i said before that my teacher is not cruel as her performance...i mean...yeah...she act cool, discipline, annoying, and always strict with the rules....but deep down in her heart, she's just a nice woman...she won't let us get the elimination so i think the elimination stuff is just trick to threatening us...yap...we all passed the elimination~!! YAYYY!! for meeee and for my class!!!

Now About
Nickelodeon and
Disney Channel....this two is the most great channel about cartoon, i like both...i like spongebob, fairy odd parents and jimmy neutron as i like mickey mouse, phineas and ferb, Mr. Bean or else...and you know, Nick and Disney is have a some television series like
iCarly, True Jackson VP, Big Time Rush (
Nick) or
Hannah Montana, Jonas, Good Luck Charlie, Wizard in Waverly place, Zack and Cody suite life on deck (
Disney) for some reason, i likeeee Disney series more than Nick series, i even hate the Nick Series especially iCarly...seriously...what the heck is that? i don't get the story....seems like they don't have a story to tell so just talking around and make a ruin situation...-_-...
Different way with
Disney, they're have a meaning in every episode, and they're talking about the real teenager...that have a family, love and friends and mix it with a comedy...i really love it...Like Hannah montana, even there is a lot of Miley hatters...but i think she's pretty good...she's funny and i like her in Hannah Montana...and Jonas, who's never like them? hahahhahah...i don't really like them but i think they're fine, their series is cool...and very funny...and i love the new season of Jonas...(
JONAS LA!!! YAYYY!!) because i like the pairing...Nick and Macy!!! weeewww...i've never knew that Macy will end up with NICK! XD

comparing Nick and Disney,
i love Nick cartoon they're so entertaining...but for the series...i'm sorry...it's too LAME!
1:19 AM