Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
HUAAAAHAHAHAHHA it's not really phedopil by the way, i just fell in love with this kid, named
Kao Jirayu La-Ongmanee...because he's only 17th but he can get my attention! LOL...he's so cute and sweet, he's a great actor in his age, he played a role as a monk in
Phobia 2...but i can't see his charm appearance because he's got bold and act like a 'bad' monk. after that, when i search the cast, i realize that he's a cute boy!! hahahhaha...
His smile is seriously sweet as a little kid...i really love his smile!
Well, i'm only 19th now, and his age is not so far from my, it's not a perfectly pedophilia....LOL!

11:52 PM
Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010
Today it's my bad day ever...i really hate today, i have lots of problem in my head...and i can't solved this all...i even can't think clearly in just a hour...! i want to scream, i want to cry, i want to kill someone if i can...T_T i mean it...
i angry, upset, confuse, and hate myself...i make a shitty mistake in the student association in campus, i've given confidence from the president for making n designing the T-shirt for all of Interior Design student, i've to go to Karawaci in the night to met the autie who helped me to make this shirt. firstly, i go with my junior, then my junior have to do something else and handed the rest to me, so yeah, i always take care this stuff alone, i always go to autie house at 8 or 9 PM, then after the t-shirt sample is ready, i took the sample to the house, and i cursed myself for being stupid and invasive, i don't look carefully, and yeah...the mistake is occured...
HOW I CAN'T REALIZE THE WEAPONS WORD CHANGE INTO WEEPONS?! WHAT THE HECK!!! i didn't notice it at all!!! then after the 100 shirt is ready to sell and ready to friend checked one of the shirt and say, "hey...this is supposed to be
WEAPONS right? why it change to
WEEPONS?" the i rushly take the shirt from his hands and i see the ridiculous mistake ever...
HOW CAN BE THE WEAPONS WORD CHANGE INTO WEEPONS?! FUCK! WEEPONS?! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! i don't know what to do, i call the autie and she seems blame me for this, she blame me because i don't look and check the shirt sample carefully...this 100 shirt is cannot be canceled and she didn't want to change it into a new one, if want to make a new one, then we have to spend more money...SHIT!!! SHITTT!!! i want to cry, seriously, if i have a million dollar in my hand, i won't think anything, i'll make a 100 new shirt! i already says this mistake to the president of my association and she just said, "it's alright, we can't do anything else...don't do in the future, make this as a learning, don't do same mistake..." i feel more guilty now...i don't know why i'm being so stupid and invasive....GODDD!!!!
Then...i've to think what
WEEPONS mean.............................i'll make it were written like that on purpose...but howwwww?! how i can bend it?! shitty!!!!! shitty!!!!!!
besides the Crazy shirt mistake, i have other problem...not really a problem, but i've a crazy plan...i want to study aboard...i don't know why i have this anxiety in my mind...when i graduate from school i already wanted it, but my parents didn't allowed me to study aboard, they think i'm not mature enough, and i'm the only daughter, so they really worried about me. but now, i think i stronger and mature enough to go with my way, i want to study aboard, i want to take the transfer student program or the master of arts program...i prefer transfer student anyway, but i've to make my parent believe and i must obtain a permission from them to do it...i want to go to
Germany or
Germany i have a friend who has a grandma there, and she said it's ok if i want to stay there, because her grandma have an empty room in her flats. and in
Australia, my Dad have a colleague, and Dad even has a flat in
Melbourne or it should be easy to go there...
You know, in
Germany, the tuition fees is not so expensive if you compare it with UK or USA...and we can be a part timer for pay the cost living...i really excited, and some of my friends is have a same thought as mine, they really want to go study aboard especially to i found a friends, a place to stay, and a determination...! should be easy right? but i don't know how about the permission it'll be so difficult to make my parents say "YES"
3:44 PM